Are you expecting?

The journey of parenthood begins long before a child is in your arms. And preparing for it can take a lot of restless nights spent researching, ordering clothes, and building cribs - I know, because I've done it...twice.

Let me help you cross one thing off your list - let's schedule a newborn session the month of your due date. I'll keep my calendar flexible, and once baby is here, we can plan a session at your San Diego hospital or in your home to memorialize those first moments together.

Every person you've ever known will tell you it all goes by too fast, and it's heartbreakingly true. I would give anything to go back in time and hold my babies for one more minute.

But the magic of photography is we can make those tiny newborn details
and those first precious snuggles larger than life,
and we can preserve them forever.

Whether you're wanting the digitals for safekeeping, or a printed heirloom album to gift to grandparents, let's make these memories last a lifetime. And Mommas, you deserve to be in more than a couple selfies ;)

My style uses natural light and vivid colors, while keeping skin tones rich and true to life.

I also pepper in crisp black and whites for an overall feel that is magically timeless and modern.

I feel so lucky to be able to do what I love every day and to help create lasting memories for all kinds of families. If you're looking for a San Diego photographer who can grow with you and make posing feel like play, let's chat!

Couple kisses under The Night Sky prints during lifestyle newborn photography session. By Vista family photographer
Newborn lays in crib with fox stuffy during lifestyle newborn photography session in Oceanside, CA
Newborn nurses during lifestyle newborn photography session. By Oceanside photographer Alyssa DeGraff
Mom embraces baby during lifestyle newborn photography in Oceanside. By San Diego photographer Alyssa D
Newborn sleeps & smiles during newborn photography session in Orange County. By Socal photographer Alyssa DeGraff
Mom embraces new baby during in home lifestyle photography session. By Point Loma photographer Alyssa DeGraff
Newborn in hospital bassinet during Fresh 48 photography session in Encinitas, CA.
New parents hold twins outside their home during lifestyle newborn photography session by La Mesa photographer
NICU infant is held by parents during in hospital newborn photography session in Oceanside, CA.
Newborn lightly posed in boho bedroom for lifestyle newborn photos. By San Marcos photographer Alyssa DeGraff
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